This may sound cliche, but when I first saw him.. there was something about him that felt safe and peaceful and I knew at that very moment that I hadn’t met any guy like Seki and this is someone I would share a strong connection with .
Few moments later, he left his seat and walked over to my seat to introduce himself. Misan introduced me and he was like “ Abies’s friend from high school.. wow small kids of yesterday.. y’all are all grown up now”….…
Sincerely the statement put me off , and I just turned my gaze from him and focused my attention on my phone till he left. Which one is small kids of yesterday? Do I look like a kid to you? .. Sir no dey use younger sister eye look me oo.. a whole grown lady!
After a while, it was time to dance and spray the celebrants.. so Misan dragged me to the dance floor..where I met seki dancing again.. Misan kept pushing me toward’s seki lol… so myself and seki were about to strike a conversation on the dance floor, when he got called off by a relative. He begged me to give him a minute but unfortunately the heel of my shoe broke after he left ( maybe due to all the pushing Misan kept doing on the dance floor ) .. so I left the party.
2 days later, on the 30. December 2018, I got a WhatsApp message from Seki Apparently he had collected my number from Misan. I replied his message and we just clicked. We chatted all day like we had known each other for years. The next day was New Year’s Eve and sadly his phone got bad… Oga couldn’t stay away.. He had to borrow Abies’s phone to talk to me all day till we crossed over to the new year on the phone….so yeah we have just been talking every day since then and I know we are going to keep talking for the rest of our long lives .